Makerere’s 84th Guild Race intesifies

Monday February `12th proved to be one of the busiest political days on the mighty hill of Makerere. Different factions of the Makerere University organized debates and our hot256 media team was on ground to catch it all.

FDC debate was marred with disorganization, as the Defiance wing of the party headed by former Chairman Ainebyona who is also vying for the Flag bearer position of FDC and his counter part Kahiigi Edmund stormed the FDC debate being held at marystuart on grounds that they did not receive party nomination forms .They also sighted unfair grounds in which the new party executive was formed, without many of the FDC members being present.

During the debate Papa were salim ran out with the party flag which was later captured from him by rowdy lumumbists, Florence Namuganza was chased and heckled off stage, Chiluba Francis was accused of splashing money to influence the executive into removing key party members. A fight broke out between Aine and Obed. Who were ones both brothers in the struggle under KP.

In UH Kinene Edward debating woes resurfaced as ATM won the bragging rights but was later abandoned by the UH elders and UH as a whole deciding to front Kinene, who in their view was the stronger candidate It is said after realizing how much support Kinene had ATM and Kikomeko Ian who did not participate in the debate finally gave up leaving Kinene as the UH backed candidate.

In Livingstone Twaliku Vuvuzela was put in an uncomfortable position to contribute 100k, to the organization of the Livingstone hall Kimeza. Vuvuzela pockets filled with holes could not match the contribution required by the SCR to organize the function and provide logistics to Livingstone well-wishers attending the debate. However after a discussion with stone elders, debate organizers and He’s opponent Silver Kent who had full filed the requirements. The debate went on. Twaliku who could not satisfy the gentlemen’s hunger however forced them to eat his words as the articulate speaker debated with prowess. Silver Kent put up strong contention but Twaliku whose course specializes in debate and Mastering articles of the constitution came up on top. However the lad who had interesting quotes like before you eat the mango you must calculate whether its seed will fit thru the anus,was constantly asked about his whereabouts in stone for the past two years, as most residents had just gotten to hear of him recently, they questioned whether Twaliku is really a resident of Livingstone.


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